Catholic Family News

Saint of the Day: St. Stephen

Growing up Protestant, one of my favorite Christmas songs was Good King Wenceslaus, partly because I am of Czech heritage. I remember always wondering what the word feast referred to and who this Saint Stephen was. Later, when I became Catholic and read the book of Acts in full for the first time, St. Stephen’s speech made an immediate and lasting impression on me. He is a truly remarkable Saint, one who should inspire us to boldly defend our faith.

We must remember that Plato’s vision of the “just man” was one who is scourged, derided, and crucified-a reality fully embodied in Our Lord and exemplified in St. Stephen. Though martyrdom has become rare in the West, we should reflect deeply: If we find nothing but acceptance from the world, are we truly living the radical discipleship to which Christ calls us?

Saint Stephen, pray for us!

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Murray Rundus

Murray Rundus is a former Disney actor, convert to Catholicism, and Production Manager & Editor for Catholic Family News

You can find him on Twitter/X: @MurrayRundus