This article first appeared in the April 2023 Edition of Catholic Family News (click HERE to subscribe; current subscribers can access the E-Edition by following the instructions posted HERE). With a follow-up document...
Archive - April 2023
Weekly News Roundup: Tucker Carlson and Fox News Part Ways, Pope Changes Synod Rules, New Book on SSPX
This week, CFN’s editors discuss: Tucker Carlson and Fox News “Part Ways”: What Happened? (source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source)Vatican Prelates Foster...
EXCLUSIVE: Former FSSP Superior General Speaks in Virginia, Provides History of Fraternity’s Founding
FRONT ROYAL, VIRGINIA — During the COVID shutdown of most diocesan churches that began shortly after the two weeks of “flattening the curve” and then stretched from weeks to months beginning in the first quarter of...
SPECIAL REPORT: God Provided Priests During 2020 Lockdowns
CFN’s Brian McCall interviews three guests from Front Royal, Virginia who describe their experience of God sending them priests to provide for the needs of their families and local community during the COVID...
Monument to Human Fraternity in Abu Dhabi: Abrahamic Family House and Vatican II
This is an expanded version of an article that first appeared in the April 2023 Edition of Catholic Family News (click HERE to subscribe; current subscribers can access the E-Edition by following the...
Weekly News Roundup: Ecu-mania in Rome, Cupich to Restrict Adoration During Eucharistic Pilgrimage, TLM Cancelled in Corpus Christi
This week, CFN’s editors discuss: News Brief: McCarrick Criminally Charged in Wisconsin (source, source)Ecu-mania in RomeAnglican Service in St. John Lateran (source, source, source, source)Pope Gives Relics of...
Weekly News Roundup: North American Synod Doc, FBI Targets SSPX, CCP Breaks Sino-Vatican Deal, Pantsuit Sisters Support “Trans Visibility Day”
This week, CFN’s editors discuss: News Brief: Vatican Cardinal Denies Knowledge of Further TLM Restrictions (source)Synod on Synodality: North American Assembly Yields Familiar Results (source, source, source...
Abp. Viganò on Easter Sunday: “The True Reset is Returning to the Truth of Christ,” Who is Risen Indeed
IN AZYMIS SINCERITATISHomily for Easter Sunday Fratres: Expurgate vetus fermentumut sitis nova conspersio, sicut estis azymi.Etenim Pascha nostrum immolatus est Christus.Itaque epulemur: non in fermento veteri,neque in...
Abp. Viganò on Good Friday: Christ’s Passion Manifests God’s Infinite Charity Towards Sinful Man
MEDITATIONfor Good Friday Popule meus, quid feci tibi? My People, what have I done to you? In what have I offended you? As we prepare to adore the blessed wood of the Cross, the words of the Improperia or Reproaches...
Abp. Viganò on Palm Sunday: Passion of the Church “No Less Serious” Than Our Lord’s Passion
HOMILYOn the Second Sunday of Passiontideor Palm Sunday Improperium exspectavit cor meum, et miseriam:et sustinui qui simul mecum contristaretur, et non fuit:consolántem me quæsivi, et non inveni:et dederunt in escam...