Last week, I joined Dr. Taylor Marshall to discuss a very important question: Can Pope Francis Ban the Latin Mass? The catalyst for our discussion was the recent reports (see here, here, and here) that a new document...
Archive - January 2023
Abp. Viganò on Feast of St. Paul’s Conversion: Pray for the Conversion of Modern-Day “Sauls” in the Church
VAS ELECTIONIS EST MIHI ISTEHomily of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganòon the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle Egregie Doctor Paule, mores instrue,Et nostra tecum pectora in cœlum trahe;Velata dum meridiem...
Abp. Viganò on Liturgy Debate: “Coexistence Between the Vetus and Novus Ordo is Impossible, Artificial, and Deceitful”
Editor’s Note: In this new text, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò responds to a series of five articles published last fall by the University of Notre Dame’s Church Life Journal (available all together here)...
Weekly News Roundup: RIP George Neumayr, New Francis Interview, Benedict XVI’s Posthumous Book
This week, CFN’s editors discuss: George Neumayr, RIP (source)Associated Press Interview with Pope Francis: Homosexuality, German Synodal Way, and the Fr. Rupnik Case (source, source, source, source, source...
“Continuous ‘Aggiornamento’”: Synod Seeks to Preserve “Precious Legacy” of Vatican II
This article first appeared in the December 2022 Edition of Catholic Family News (click HERE to subscribe; current subscribers can access the E-Edition by following the instructions posted HERE)...
Abp. Viganò on Feast of St. Peter’s Chair in Rome: Pray that God Will “Grant Us a Holy Pope”
CATHEDRA VERITATISHomily of Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganòOn the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter in Rome Deus, qui beato Petro Apostolo tuo,collatis clavibus regni cælestis,ligandi atque solvendi pontificium...
George Neumayr, RIP
This morning, I was shocked and deeply saddened to see this tweet: Please pray for our friend @george_neumayr. We just received word that he died of Malaria last night in the Ivory Coast.— Lepanto Institute...
Weekly News Roundup: Traditionis Custodes 2.0, WEF Davos Meeting, Updates on Mark Houck and Fr. Pavone
This week, CFN’s editors discuss: Traditionis Custodes 2.0 Reportedly Coming Soon (source, source, source, source, source)Globalists Gather in Davos for Annual Meeting (source, source, source, source, source...
SPECIAL REPORT: Fr. Altman Speaks on Bishop Callahan’s Attempt to Cancel TLM
Brian McCall speaks with Fr. James Altman, who gave a fiery interview about the recent attempt (ultimately futile) of His Excellency Bishop William P. Callahan to cancel all Traditional Latin Masses in the Diocese of La...
Abp. Viganò: “The Holy Family Shows Us the Model of the Christian Family”
ET ERAT SUBDITUS ILLISArchbishop Viganò’s Homily for the Sundayof the Sacred Family in the Octave of Epiphany And He was submissive to them.And His Mother kept all these things in her heart;and Jesus grew in wisdom...