Review of The Road from Hyperpapalism to Catholicism This article first appeared in the August 2022 Edition of Catholic Family News (click HERE to subscribe; current subscribers can access the E-Edition...
Archive - August 2022
Indonesian Seminarian Seeking Financial Assistance to Cover Expenses
Photo: Mr. Anggha Satya (Stefan) Nugraha serving Mass in Jakarta, Indonesia for one of the priests from the SSPX priory in Sri Lanka. Editor’s Note: CFN was recently contacted by Mr. Anggha Satya (Stefan) Nugraha...
Abp. Viganò Condemns PAL President’s “Scandalous Words” with “Greatest Force”
DECLARATIONRegarding the Scandalous Declarations ofVincenzo Paglia on Law 194 The President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Vincenzo Paglia, in the course of an interview given to Italian television channel Rai Tre...
Weekly News Roundup: Fauci Resigns, New Cardinals, Death and Legacy of Abp. Weakland
This week, CFN’s editors discuss: Fauci’s Resignation: Sen. Paul Vows “Full-Throated Investigation” (source, source, source, source, source, source, source)New Cardinals and Rumors from Rome...
Weekly News Roundup: Atlantic Hit Piece, Inflation Reduction Act, Vatican Cardinal Accused of Sexual Assault
This week, CFN’s editors discuss: LifeSiteNews‘ 25th Anniversary Gala (source)Atlantic Magazine Attacks “Rad-Trad Catholics” as “Extremist” (source, source, source, source...
Weekly News Roundup: Synod Official on Sodomy, Pontifical Academy for Life on Contraception, FBI Raid on Trump’s Home
This week, CFN’s editors discuss: Cardinal Doesn’t Know if Sodomy Will Still Be Sinful after Current Synod (source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source)Vatican’s Synod Survey: Clear...
Weekly News Roundup: Pope Says Trads Have “Dead Faith”, Pro-Life Updates, Status of ICK in Chicago
This week, CFN’s editors discuss: Pope Says Traditional Catholics Have a “Dead Faith” (source, source, source, source, source, source)Pro-Life Updates: Good and Bad News (source, source, source...
Abp. Viganò on Papal Trip to Canada: “The Martyrs of Canada” are “Outraged” by the Pope’s Recent Conduct
“Let us invoke the intercession of the Martyrs of Canada, who have been outraged by the accuser who is seated on the Throne of Peter, so that they may obtain from the Throne of God the liberation of the Church...
AUGUST 2022 EDITION: St. Peter in Chains and Spiritual Bondage
August 2022 Edition Now Available – Preview HERE Dear Friends in Christ, Prior to changes made to the liturgical calendar in 1960 under Pope John XXIII, August 1 was traditionally the Feast of St. Peter in Chains...