This week, CFN’s editors discuss: San Francisco Archbishop Enforces Canon 915, Pelosi Defies Him (source, source, source, source, source)Global Elites Gather in Switzerland: WHO and WEF Meetings (source, source...
Archive - May 2022
ABP. VIGANÒ: Declaration on Yielding Sovereignty to WHO for Management of Health Emergencies
DECLARATIONRegarding the Yielding of Sovereignty to the WHOfor the Management of Health Emergencies In the coming days, the Nations that adhere to the World Health Organization will vote on resolutions regarding the...
Weekly News Roundup: Pope Francis on “True Thomism”, Domestic Terrorism and Abortion, Biden’s Ministry of Truth
This week, CFN’s editors discuss: Pope Francis: Amoris Laetitia is “True Thomism” (source, source, source, source)Domestic Terrorism and Abortion: Americans and Congress Wrestle with Both (source...
Declaration on the Leaked Draft of the Supreme Court of the United States Regarding the Roe v. Wade Decision
In recent days the media has leaked the news that, according to a draft obtained from the Supreme Court of the United States, the Justices of the Court are about to declare that the Roe v...
Weekly News Roundup: Anti-Trad Papal Speech, Pro-Abortion Vandalism, Open Letter to Biden
This week, CFN’s editors discuss: Pope Decries “Liturgical Formalism” and “Closed Mindsets” (source, source)Detroit Archbishop Issues Norms for Implementing Traditionis Custodes (source...
NOT IN OUR NAME: Open Letter to President Biden on Russia-Ukraine Conflict
CFN’s Brian McCall and Matt Gaspers are among the signatories to a new open letter to President Joe Biden opposing his reckless policy of virtually unconditional support for Ukraine despite the potential dire...
Reform or Overture to Liturgical Revolution: Abp. Viganò on the Holy Week Ceremonies
Editor’s Note: At the request of a priest who celebrates the Traditional Rites of Mass, Media-Presse asked Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to comment on the alterations made to the Rites of Holy Week during the...
Weekly News Roundup: SCOTUS Leak, Papal Interview, Biden’s Ministry of Truth
This week, CFN’s editors: SCOTUS Draft Opinion and the Fate of Roe v. Wade (source, source, source, source, source, source, source)Pope Reiterates Desire to Meet with Putin, Speculates on Causes of Ukraine...
MAY 2022 EDITION: Consoling Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart
May 2022 Edition Now Available – Preview HERE Dear Friends of Catholic Tradition, May is the month of our Blessed Mother. We are happy to present to you this May edition of Catholic Family News, which includes a...
WATCH: New Book Helps Readers Fall in Love with Our Eucharistic Lord
CFN’s editor-in-chief Brian McCall interviews Fr. Armand de Malleray, FSSP, author of the new book, Ego Eimi — It Is I (Sophia Institute Press, 2022). When asked why he felt compelled to write a book on the...