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May 1, 2021
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
Dear Friends of Catholic Tradition,
Once again, we enter the month during which the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fatima commenced. On May 13, 1917, Our Lady first appeared to the three shepherd children. In July of that same year, she would predict that Russia would “spread her errors throughout the world….” Over 100 years later, we see that the errors of Russia — totalitarian Communism among them — have indeed spread throughout the world. Across the globe, healthy citizens have been locked in their homes, the public worship of God has been shut down, and people of all ages are being subjected to experimental gene therapies masquerading as a vaccine.
In addition to chaos in the civil sphere, Our Lady also foretold “persecutions of the Church” if her requests were not heeded. In our time, persecution has taken the form of the Church’s hierarchy — the Successors of the Apostles — prostrating themselves before the partisans of Marxist error in Beijing and elsewhere. These wolves in bishop’s clothing locked their cathedrals and parishes even without orders from the secular state. And twice, now, they essentially cancelled Holy Week.
Although politicians and leaders can mitigate some of the effects of this global spread of totalitarian Communism, we know the only permanent solution to this persecution of the Church is the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope and all the bishops of the world in union with him. Only this act will bring about “the conversion of that poor nation,” as Sister Lucia of Fatima once stated, which will in turn signal the conversion of the hierarchy back to the Church’s divine mission. Only when all of the bishops of the world are ready to consecrate Russia will we know that they have broken the hold of the “invisible enemy” over the human element of the Church and are once again ready to fight (rather than attempting to appease) that enemy.
Until that time, we at Catholic Family News will continue to bring the beauty of Catholic truth to as many souls as we can reach — via our monthly newspaper, website, video content, and audio podcasts. But in order to do so, we rely on your generous support in the form of subscriptions and donations to our apostolate.
We will keep this voice of Tradition alive until such time, if ever, that the partisans of the errors of Russia use their power to silence us. We continue to explore new platforms and vehicles to escape their chokehold on the channels of communication — such as our channel on Rumble (in addition to YouTube) — and we distribute an audio podcast via several major podcast platforms. Please share our videos and podcasts as widely as you can. With your help, we will continue to labor in Our Lord’s vineyard for the triumph of His Mother’s Immaculate and subsequent reign of His Most Sacred Heart.
In Corde Immaculato Mariae,
Brian M. McCall