This week’s Roundup contains a packed line up of inspiring stories including:
- Brief Election 2020 Update: Many Positive Developments in Courts and Legislatures
- The U.S. Supreme Court Rules to Strike Down Commie Cuomo’s Persecution of Churches in New York
- The Vatican Built the Communist “Economy of Francesco Conference” but Almost Nobody Came
- Update on China Vatican Sellout Agreement and Francis’ Lame Attempt to Stand Up to the Chinese Communists
- French Catholics Continue to Demonstrate Against the Government’s Persecution of the Church Due to the “Scam-demic”
- Bishop Strickland of Texas Says the USCCB Congratulations of Biden Does not Speak for Him
- Swiss Chapter of the Diocese of Chur Says “None of the Above” to the Dictator Pope’s Attempt to Appoint a Progressive Bishop
- Latest Intervention from Archbishop Viganò