Editor’s Note: Dr. Claudio Pierantoni has responded to Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer’s criticism of the open letter objecting to the pagan ceremonies held in Rome. The bishop of Regensburg in Germany was initially among...
Archive - November 2019
Archbishop Viganò: Vatican II’s Nostra Aetate Exhibits “Terrible Discontinuity” with Pre-Conciliar Magisterium
“In the garden of Abu Dhabi the temple of the world syncretistic Neo-Religion is about to rise with its anti-Christian dogmas. Not even the most hopeful of the Freemasons would have imagined so much! Pope Bergoglio thus...
When Is a Graven Image Not a Graven Image? When It Dances the Pachamama Two-Step
Jungle Boogie: Dancing with the Devil The Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazonian region was a spectacle that reeked of the Vatican’s revolting new love affair with the pagan religions of jungle tribes, some of which...
Weekly News Roundup: Pontifical High Mass in D.C. Basilica, Possible Catechism Revision, Latest from Viganò
In this week’s episode, CFN Editor-in-Chief Brian McCall and Managing Editor Matt Gaspers discuss the following news items: Pontifical High Mass in Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception...
2019 CFN Conference: Dr. Andrew Childs on “New Music for a New Mass”
Dr. Andrew Childs, the Associate Dean and Chair of Humanities at St. Mary’s College and Assistant to the Director of Education for the US District of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), addressed the important topic of...
Two stories that were covered in the November 15, 2019 Weekly News Roundup have developed overnight. Editor-in-Chief Brian McCall updates: Pro Life Citizen Journalist Daleiden ordered to pay damages to Planned...
Weekly News Roundup: USCCB Fall Assembly, Pro-Life Update, Protest Letter UPDATED WITH BREAKING STORIES
In this week’s episode, CFN Editor-in-Chief Brian McCall and Managing Editor Matt Gaspers discuss the following news items: USCCB Fall General Assembly (Nov. 11-14, 2019)Provocative Opening Speech by Papal...
Climate Apocalypse Now? Climate Change Hysteria and the Eco-Counterchurch
This article is featured in the current Print Edition (November 2019) of Catholic Family News (subscribe HERE; current subscribers can access the E-Edition HERE). In her infamous speech before the U.N...
A Public Protest of Idolatry: Will It Rouse More Bishops from Modernist Slumber?
This week, a new Open Letter was released recently that calls upon Pope Francis “to repent publicly and unambiguously of … objectively grave sins and of all the public offences that he has committed against God and the...
Weekly News Roundup November 8, 2019
In this week’s episode, CFN Editor-in-Chief Brian McCall and Managing Editor Matt Gaspers discuss the following news items: Catholic Identity Conference ReportMan Who Disposed of Pachamama Idols Reveals His IdentityNew...