July 2019 Edition Now Available – Preview HERE
Dear Friends of Catholic Tradition,
It is hard to believe that I have been working with Catholic Family News more closely for one year now. It is an amazing apostolate that is built firmly on the rock of the Traditions of the Church, thanks to the tireless efforts of the late John Vennari (1958-2017). It was common in the Middle Ages – more accurately, the Age of Faith – for the great intellectuals of the day to say that they merely stood on the shoulders of giants. All that they achieved in the great universities and cathedral schools was due to the great and sometimes thankless work of prior generations who preserved the Faith.
Likewise, all that we do at CFN rests on the shoulders of those who came before us, who had the foresight to preserve the Traditions of the Church in these Dark Ages, just like the monks who preserved ancient manuscripts in a world torn apart by war and plunder centuries ago.
It was a pleasure to visit with old friends and make new ones at our annual conference in May. The theme this year emphasizes our core commitment to the principles that have always guided CFN. As we discussed, the motto of those who resisted the English Reformation was, “It is the Mass that Matters!” That is true because the Mass permeates everything. One cannot destroy the Mass without destroying dogma and vice-versa. Each month, we strive to defend the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Mass of All Ages and the dogmas and doctrines that are inseparable from it.
In order to more widely distribute the important lectures given at our 2019 conference, “The New Mass: Fifty Years of Problems”, we are offering a 20% discount on all purchases of 2019 conference lectures (either in digital download via our online store or CD format) to all those who subscribe or renew before August 15, 2019. After paying for your subscription, you can either use an online code to buy a digital download of conferences or order CDs by phone or mail and receive the same discount.
I look forward to communicating with you all each month through the pages of the paper. In these dark times during which so many men in the Church and the world reject the saving grace of the Precious Blood of Christ our King, shed for us on the throne of the Cross, all of us who stand on the side of Tradition must remain of “one heart and one soul” (Acts 4:32) to withstand the deceits and snares of the enemy who is roaming about our Church “seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pet. 5:8). Please subscribe, renew, or re-subscribe today and don’t miss an issue of the monthly Catholic periodical you have come to trust for its defense of Tradition.
In Christo Rege,
Brian McCall, Editor-in-Chief