The heaven of heaven is the Lord’s: but the earth He has given to the children of men.– Psalms 113:24, Latin Vulgate (Douay-Rheims Version) Like most other Americans of my age (Baby Boomers), I took time recently to...
Archive - July 2019
Opposing “LGBT” Errors with Truth and Charity: My Twitter Exchange with Fr. Martin
Reaching Out to Lost Sheep Every year on the Third Sunday after Pentecost, which fell on June 30 this year, the faithful who attend the traditional Roman Mass hear a powerful duo of readings from Holy Scripture. The...
SSPX Responds to Church Militant Accusations
Editor’s Note: Earlier this week, Church Militant, the media apostolate run by Michael Voris, published an online article with the shocking headline, “Is the SSPX Sheltering a Sexual Predator?” The...
Interview of Louis Tofari Released
CFN is happy to release an interview of Louis Tofari conducted during our annual conference in Chicago. Louis is a regular contributor to CFN and delivered a conference on Mediator Dei and the Liturgical Movement.
New Interview of CFN Managing Editor Matt Gaspers
We are happy to release another installment in the series of interviews conducted at our 2019 CFN Conference. In this interview, Matt Gaspers talks about his transformation from heavy metal guitarist to Traditional...
A Papal Interview Too Far
This article is featured in the current Print Edition (July 2019) of Catholic Family News (subscribe HERE; current subscribers can access the E-Edition HERE). Pope Bergoglio’s interview with the Vaticanist...
Amazon Synod Poised to Wage Total War on Catholic Faith: Our Resistance Must Be Equally Forceful
The Synod on the Amazon will lead to a “rupture” in the Catholic Church: “nothing will be as it was before.” These words were spoken on May 2, 2019, by German Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck, in charge of the organization...
The Western Uprising and Cranmer’s New Order by Brian McCall
Catholic Family News is happy to release today a video recording of Editor-in-Chief Brian McCall’s Welcome Address to this year’s CFN Conference. The theme for the weekend (May 3-5, 2019) was The New Mass: Fifty...
CFN Conference Recordings – Special Discount Available
July 2019 Edition Now Available – Preview HERE Dear Friends of Catholic Tradition, It is hard to believe that I have been working with Catholic Family News more closely for one year now. It is an amazing apostolate that...