Earlier today, April 30, 2019, an open letter to the bishops of the world was made public. The document was prepared and signed by an international ad hoc coalition of scholars (clerical and lay) including, among...
Archive - April 2019
SSPX Report from Sri Lanka: Update Following Easter Attacks
(Photo: Fr. Fabrice Loschi, SSPX preaches during a 2016 Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Negombo, Sri Lanka / FSSPX News.) It is now going on one week since the deadly Easter Sunday attacks in three cities across...
Mystical City of God: The Treachery of Judas
“The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him. But woe to that man by whom the Son of man shall be betrayed. It were better for him, if that man had not been born.” – Matthew 26:24 Today’s article is a...
De Mattei: Holy Week 2019 — The Church is Burning
(Photo: While firefighters battled the Notre Dame inferno into the night on April 15, 2019, drones captured overhead shots of the blaze as it consumed the entire roof of the iconic cathedral. The above photo was...
Mystical City of God: The Tragedy of Judas
(Image: The Last Supper by Carl Bloch, c. early 19th century) “And after the morsel, Satan entered into [Judas]. And Jesus said to him: That which thou dost, do quickly.” – John 13:27 Among the four Gospels, there are...
Church’s Shepherds Must Recognize “Divine Warning”: Bishop Schneider on Notre Dame Fire
(Photo: Home page of Bishop Schneider’s new website / Screenshot) This week’s devastating fire atop Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, which consumed the entire roof and toppled the steeple of the magnificent Gothic church...
Introibo ad altare Dei: The Orders of the Priesthood
The past two weeks have been extraordinary, something only Almighty God could arrange in His Providence. On April 8, CFN reported on the hospitalization of Bishop Tissier de Mallerais and the delay of ordination...
Crown of Thorns Emerges from Notre Dame Inferno
As Holy Week began and the Church was entering ever more deeply into the Passion of Our Lord, Divine Providence permitted an event that can serve as a deep allegory of our times. Yesterday in Paris (Monday of Holy...
Lenten Meditations: The Seven Sorrows of Mary
131. The Seven Sorrows of Mary By Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D. 1. We find in Simeon’s prophecy the first explicit announcement of the part the Blessed Virgin was to have in the Passion of Jesus: “Thy own...
Father Isaac Mary Conference on Confession from 2018 CFN Conference
In preparation for Holy Week, Catholic Family News is happy to make available an audio recording of one of the conferences from the CFN 2018 conference, “The Sacrament of Confession: True & False Mercy” by Father...