The 2019 Catholic Family News Conference is only a little over a month away. All of us at CFN look forward to welcoming friends and supporters to this important weekend in Chicago. As previously announced in our...
Archive - March 2019
Challenging Feminism At Its Roots: A Call to Arms from a Radical Catholic
This article first appeared in the March 2019 print edition of Catholic Family News (click HERE to subscribe; current subscribers can access the E-Edition HERE). We post it here today in honor of the Feast of the...
Professor De Mattei Comments on Bishop Schneider’s “Heretical Pope” Text
This past Wednesday (Mar. 20), the website Rorate Caeli published a lengthy “guest op-ed” by Bishop Athanasius Schneider entitled, “On the question of a heretical pope”. Upon discovering His Excellency’s text, I read it...
Lenten Meditations: Humility of Heart
111. Humility of Heart By Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D. 1. Jesus expressed Himself only once in these words: “Learn of Me,” and this was when He was speaking of humility. “Learn of Me, for I am meek and...
Why Were Non-Catholic ‘Observers’ Influencing Vatican II’s Documents?
Editor’s Note: In this new article, CFN contributor Stephen Kokx quotes testimony from several sources which demonstrate that a variety of non-Catholics (mostly Protestants) who were invited to the Second Vatican...
New SSPX Superior General Gives First English Interview
In a new interview released Wednesday by the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), Fr. Davide Pagliarani, the Society’s new Superior General as of last July, fielded a wide range of questions in his first English-language...
VINTAGE VIDEO: Michael Davies, William F. Buckley & Malachi Martin vs. the New Mass
This program first aired in 1980 on PBS. Although Michael Davies’ optimism about the then-young pontificate of John Paul II unfortunately turned out to be unfounded, the discussion of the New Mass after its first 11...
A Whale’s Tale: Forty Days of Lent
In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Ash Wednesday began the ‘forty-day’ period of Lent. Lent runs from Ash Wednesday through Holy Thursday, a total of 44 days, less the 6 Sundays before Easter, which...
Lenten Meditations: Examination of Conscience
103. Examination of Conscience By Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D. 1. To insure an orderly and progressive growth in the spiritual life, we must know ourselves. We have to consider our sins, our weak points, our...
Six Long Years of Francis: Outlasting the Long Winter of This Pontificate
(Photo by Marco Paradiso) Where I live in northern Colorado, we were in the midst of a nasty March storm yesterday, which began as freezing rain and escalated into blizzard conditions with wind gusts of around 50 mph...