(Photo: Fr. Davide Pagliarani, SSPX Superior General, center, with his First and Second Assistants, Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta, left, and Fr. Christian Bouchacourt, respectively.) “The Document...
Archive - February 2019
New League of Saint Peter Damian In the Works
Today, on the traditional feast of St. Peter Damian (Feb. 23), Catholic Family News is pleased to publish the following letter announcing the formation of a new League of Saint Peter Damian, whose heroic example and...
“A Decisive Act Now Is Urgent and Necessary”: Precisely Why We Need the Formal Correction
Early this week, in view of the Vatican abuse crisis summit (Feb. 21-24), Cardinals Raymond Burke and Walter Brandmüller published a brief open letter to the presidents of the bishops’ conferences currently gathered in...
De Mattei: The Catholic Resistance Has Made Itself Heard
(Photo, courtesy of Corrispondenza Romana: In Rome’s Piazza San Silvestro, 100 lay Catholics stood in formation and prayed silently as a peaceful demonstration of resistance to the Vatican’s “wall of silence”...
Vatican Summit Falls on St. Peter Damian’s Feast: Coincidence or Providence?
As we approach the opening of the Vatican’s summit on “The Protection of Minors in the Church” (Feb. 21-24) tomorrow, it is interesting to note that the four-day meeting happens to coincide with the feast of St. Peter...
Demonstration Planned to Oppose Vatican’s ‘Wall of Silence’: Interview with De Mattei
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power and of love and of sobriety.” ~ 2 Timothy 1:7 On February 21, the Vatican will open a summit of the presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences from all over the...
Pope’s Abu Dhabi Speech More Freemasonic Than Catholic
Pope Francis’ recent visit to Abu Dhabi (Feb. 3-5), capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), was a disaster for the Catholic Faith, as was the downplaying, ignoring, and attempt to explain away his grossly un-Catholic...
Is the Hierarchy Really Serious About the Abuse Crisis?
(Image: Painting by Georges Croegaert, 1848-1923) According to a June 2017 Gallup survey, nearly half of US Catholics (i.e., 49 percent) had a “high” or “very high” opinion of the honesty and ethical standards...
First Bishop Schneider, Now Cardinal Müller: Resisting the Errors of Francis
Yesterday afternoon, shortly after CFN’s report on Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s new statement was published, news broke that Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith...
Bishop Schneider Offers Clarity Following Dubious “Human Fraternity” Text
Just one week after returning from World Youth Day in Panama, Pope Francis departed Rome again, this time, for a brief trip to the United Arab Emirates (Feb. 3-5), a national federation of seven Islamic states, each...