Your Excellency, You are to be commended for your December 29th statement asking Catholics to pray for “our Coptic brethren who are enduring martyrdom for the sake of Christ.” Catholics need to know the extent of...
Archive - February 2018
The Mortara Affair: First Things Article Reignites Debate
In 1858, a six-year-old Jewish boy named Edgardo Mortara was escorted by Vatican officials from his family home in Bologna. His crime? As an infant, Edgardo fell ill and was on death’s door. His Catholic housekeeper...
Traditional Fatima Stations of the Cross
TRADITIONAL FATIMA STATIONS of the CROSS (With Photos from Fatima’s Outdoor Via Crucis) In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Stabat Mater Stanza: (Stand) At the Cross Her station keeping;...
Understanding Fatima’s Stations of the Cross
One of the highlights of my Traditional Latin Mass pilgrimage to Fatima for the Centennial Year was leading my group on the monumental outdoor Stations of the Cross. They wind through the olive and cork trees of the...
Italian Church Scandal Positive Step for Pro-Life Movement
[Web Editor’s Note: I often find myself believing that things couldn’t worsen in the Church; I frequently tell myself or others that nothing else can shock me. Unfortunately, I am proven wrong. Last week, a new scandal...
The Sublimity of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater: The Sequence par excellence
By Maurizio Brunetti “At the Cross Her station keeping, stood the mournful Mother weeping, close to Jesus to the last.” (Stabat Mater dolorosa iuxta Crucem lacrimosa, dum pendebat Filius.) It is the beginning of the...
Meménto, homo, quia pulvis es: Remember, man, thou art dust!
Meditation for Ash Wednesday by St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori It is most useful for our salvation to say often to ourselves: I must one day die! The Church every year on Ash Wednesday brings this remembrance to the...
Loving God in Darkness
“The most beautiful act of faith is the one made in darkness, in sacrifice, and with extreme effort.” – St. Padre Pio We all experience it: the storm that shakes us as it did the Apostles. The wood of the frail...
Video: Preparing for Lent – It May Be Your Last!
Popular traditional mission preacher Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea gave an informal talk on the upcoming Season of Lent, on Quinquagesima Sunday, February 11, 2018. Mentioned by Fr. Isaac in this talk is the multi...
BREAKING: Date Revealed for Historic Conference in Rome
Last month, Edward Pentin, Rome correspondent for the National Catholic Register, reported on plans for “an international conference to examine ways to resolve the current crisis of division in the Church,” which he...