Catholic Family News

Thumbnail report: Bishop Athanasius Schneider at Mater Ecclesia, Berlin New Jersey

Bishop Athanasius Schneider celebrated Traditional Mass at Mater Ecclesiae Chapel in Berlin, NJ, on Sunday, October 23, 2016. He gave a conference in the hall afterwards. Below is a thumbnail report from the conference from a friend of CFN who attended:

Today we attended the first Pontifical Mass at Mater Ecclesiae. Bishop Schneider is True Blue. His conference was on the Social Kingship of Christ. Like your paper he read from past Encyclicals. He affirmed Russia was not consecrated as Our Lady requested. He stated Communion in the hand is sacrilegious. He sees the Latin Masses growing and is happy about this. Also he believes we are in undeclared schism because some Bishops give Communion to the divorced/remarried and others forbid it. He is one who forbids. I will send pictures. EV

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