In his address to the United States Congress, Pope Francis declared: “The Golden Rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of its development.” First of all, it is...
Archive - December 2015
Eye-Witness Account by one of the monks present at the martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket
Eye-Witness Account by one of the monks present at the martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket The murderers followed him. ‘Absolve’, they cried, ‘and restore to communion those whom you have excommunicated...
Desecration of Virgin Mary Statue Marked by Protests and Reparation
The desecration of the statue of Blessed Virgin Mary occurred as planned in Oklahoma City on Christmas Eve. Satanist Adam Daniels and a small band of cretins obtained a city permit from Oklahoma City, under the...
Oklahoma City: Satanist Will Desecrate Statue of the Virgin Mary on Christmas Eve
A Call for Reparation Special from the Fatima Center December 22, 2015 Oklahoma City gave a satanist permission to publicly desecrate a statue of the Virgin Mary outside a Catholic Church on Christmas Eve. Adam...
Ferrara: A Canonical Bum’s Rush on Holy Matrimony
by Christopher A. Ferrara In the rescript Pope Francis has issued “regarding the implementation of the recent reforms to the Church’s marriage law,” there is a provision whose immense significance has...
RIP: Father Stephen Somerville
Priest who formally renounced his work with I.C.E.L., died in Toronto on December 12 Father Stephen Somerviile, friend of Catholic Famliy News and the SSPX, and former member of the International Committee on...
Blind Guides: Conciliar Vatican Announces “No Mission” to Convert Jews
The Vatican just published one of the worst documents of the post-Conciliar period. Titled “The Gifts and the Calling of God are Irrevocable,”[1] it is the latest aggiornamento in Jewish Catholic relations. The...