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Weekly News Roundup October 3rd, 2024
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Extra story about the ‘Laudato Si Musical’ and news from the Synod on our Premium Channel!
Is Tim Walz a Catholic Apostate?
PDF Button Last night during the Vice Presidential debate Governor Tim Walz told the moderators “I don’t talk about my faith a lot, but Matthew 25:40 talks about, “To the least amongst us, you do unto me.”...
Interview with Apostolic Majesty
PDF Button Apostolic Majesty (AM) is one of the most thoughtful figures in the Catholic commentary realm. His history videos are incredibly insightful, well-researched and precise while delivered effectively and clearly...
John Vennari
John Vennari was the editor of Catholic Family News from 1994 until his death by cancer on April 4, 2017. His single mission was to teach people how to recognize and resist the pernicious errors of Modernism, especially since Vatican II. In connection with this mission, he was a zealous apostle of Our Lady of Fatima, collaborating closely with Fr. Nicholas Gruner (1942-2015).