Tentative 2019 Conference Schedule (subject to change)
Friday, May 3
4:30 PM Registration
5:30 PM Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (First Friday)
7:00 PM Dinner followed by Welcome and Introduction of Conference Theme (Brian McCall)
Saturday, May 4
7:30 AM Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (First Saturday)
8:15 AM Breakfast
9:15 AM Rosary
9:30 AM Brian McCall: Is the New Mass Legitimate?
10:45 AM Father Michael McMahon, A New Priest to Preside over a New Mass
12:00 PM Dr. Andrew Childs, New Music for a New Mass
1:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Louis Tofari, Mediator Dei and the Liturgical Movement
3:15 PM Stéphane Wailliez, The Making of the New Liturgical Books under Paul VI
4:30 PM Michael Semin, Rejection of Sacrifice – The Common Ground of the Modern Liturgical and Sexual Revolution
5:30 PM Rosary followed by Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (First Saturday)
7:00 PM Dinner
Sunday, May 5 (Feast Day of Pope St. Pius V)
7:30 AM Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
8:30 AM Breakfast
9:30 AM Rosary
9:45 AM Matt Gaspers, The Story of Our Family’s Journey from the New to the Old Mass
11:00 AM Fr. Albert Kallio, O.P., The Problems with the New Sacraments
12:30 PM Lunch
1:45 PM Rosary
2:00 PM Christopher Ferrara, Alinsky, Marini, Maritain and the New Mass
3:15 PM Father X, The Story of a Priest: How and Why I left the New Mass to Offer Exclusively the Old Mass
4:30 PM Q&A Panel with Speakers
5:30 PM Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
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